Happy Life newsletter talking choosing yourself and more


Here is something to remind yourself, a quote that I loved and a question to ask yourself for this week…

Something to remind yourself…

‘There comes a time in your life, when you have to choose yourself. From your family, from your friends, from the energy around you. And you have to find what makes really makes you happy in work, in relationships, in the activities that you do. Everything. You first. And once I did, now I can dive deeper into my kids. Now I can dive deeper into my sister bond relationships. Now I can dive deeper in my relationships with my brother, my friends, my mom. Like it is a peaceful place to be.’ These words by Kim Kardashian inspired me to write my book ‘Choosing Me’ as I think choosing ourselves in a world where we have all these different roles is incredibly challenging.


Are you being selfish when you make your own mental and physical health, and thus your happiness a priority? And then have the energy, love and positivity to contribute to the happiness of others? Or are you selfish when you are running yourself ragged for everyone and are too overstimulated and stressed and fatigued to really be there for others? Because that’s the problem with not being able to choose yourself. It’s always putting the needs of others above your own. Choosing yourself is not just thinking about yourself, but thinking about yourself in such a way that you can also be there for others in a better way. It’s true that choosing yourself will not help some people around you, because they are the ones who benefit from trampling all over your boundaries. But the people who are important to you and who really want you to feel good and be happy, will only encourage it. You can be a happier, more attentive parent when you take good care of yourself. Friends have a happier, more present and supportive friend when you take good care of yourself. A boss has a happier, more productive employee when you take good care of yourself. And you feel so much more energetic, balanced, confident, and happy when you take good care of yourself.


Letting thoughts like “Do they like me? Do they like what I am wearing? Would they agree with the choices I’m making? Am I living my life in a way that they would approve of?” dominate our mindset not only makes us insecure, but eventually makes us utterly miserable. If you want to feel bad just start making someone else’s opinion about you or your life more important than your own. Start turning it around and ask yourself: “What do I think of myself? Do I like myself? Am I happy with my life? What would I want to change for ME (not for them)?” Walk your own path, and if you find it doesn’t bring you joy, dare to change direction and take a different route.

A quote that I loved…

Whoever bring you the most peace should get the most time.

Symbolic Magic

A question to ask yourself…

What advice would you give yourself if you were my own best friend?

Have an amazing week!
