Here is something to remind yourself, a quote that I loved and a question to ask yourself for this week… Something to remind yourself…
This week Tony Robbins gave me this great reminder: “Most people don’t need a reason to feel like crap. But how many of you have plenty of things in your life today that if you would focus on them you would feel so grateful and so excited about your life? You don’t want to wait to achieve your goal and then celebrate. You want to celebrate so much your goals just happen. We don’t need a reason to feel good. We can decide to live in a beautiful state without expectation and at any time.” I.
To be in your power is to begin each day with the intention of making today a good day, where you stay true to yourself. Ask yourself, “what can I do today to help myself?” Look for the little things and moments where you can make improvement today. Do those things. Even if it’s just one thing. And at the end of the day go to sleep, only to wake up the next morning and ask yourself again “what can I do today to stay true to myself?” Then do it again. It’s about doing it, not about doing it perfectly. It’s about intention as well as consistency. Because all those small actions build over weeks, months, and years to a life changing result. To make the changes you want to make in your life, you don’t have to suddenly change your whole life. You just need to choose yourself today and repeat that tomorrow.
Instead of starting each day with negativity, frustration, and insecurity that “it’s not there” and therefore experiencing a sense that something is lacking, you can also feel as if it’s just all already there. Whoever you want to be; be it, until you truly become it. Whatever you want; experience it until it is there. Expressing gratitude daily for all that you are and all that you have, totally changes your life. From that mindset, you can make powerful decisions that align with who you are and where you want to be. And as a result, it becomes your reality. Call it manifesting, call it the law of attraction, quantum mechanics, mumbo jumbo or science. What I know is that it works. Instead of seeing is believing, it’s believe first, then see.
A quote that I loved…