Happy Life newsletter talking on be your own cheerleader and more


Here is something to remind yourself, a quote that I loved and a question to ask yourself for this week…

Something to remind yourself…

Sometimes you read a quote and you’re like ”damn, that one hits”. That’s what happened when I read this one: ”My mom clapped so loud for me that I never noticed who didn’t.”.


How great would it be to have a person in your life that roots for for you like that. A person that supports you no matter what. That loves you unconditionally and sees your potential. Some of us are that blessed – I definitely am – but many of us are not. Never forget that it’s not always up to us if we had that person in our life but we can always choose to be that person for ourselves. Always be your own biggest cheerleader!


Even if you go for something, but aren’t successful, you still succeeded. You had the guts to go for something scary and new. Having the courage to risk failure, makes you stronger and more flexible, which will actually lead to more success. Be proud of yourself and of who you are, and embrace the accompanying imperfections. Success or growth without failure simply doesn’t exist!

The next time you fail, don’t get caught up in feeling miserable, but turn it into a growth target by asking yourself the following questions: Have I experienced something similar before? If so, what helped? Have I ever been in a tighter spot? What did I think and do then? How did that help? What lessons can this mistake teach me? And what am I going to do differently from now on?

A quote that I loved…

Whatever you do today, do it with the confidence of a 4 year old in a Batman t-shirt.

Thomas Lelu

A question to ask yourself…

When was the last time you closed your eyes and took three deep breaths? Do it now and feel the positive effect it has on you. Do you notice what happens when you decide to step out of the madness of your day for one minute? Take more time to come back to you.

Have an amazing week!
