Happy Life newsletter talking about gratitude and more


Here is something to remind yourself, a quote that I loved and a question to ask yourself for this week…

Something to remind yourself…

I’ve been a big fan of Tony Robbins for years and I love how he explains the power of gratitude: “It cannot coexist with a negative emotion. So, if you’re feeling sad, lonely, tired, afraid, jealous, any of those emotions. Any of those negative emotions they cannot coexist at the same time as gratitude. So in the moment when things maybe aren’t going so well, if you can get into a state of gratitude, it’s going to change the entire way that you’re showing up in that moment.”


Gratitude mostly has to do with perspective, through which lens you choose to look at life. And whatever happens that may cause you to temporarily lose the rose-colored glasses, remember that you can always put them back on. Because you are in control! And I’m not saying you should deny the negative feels. On the contrary, it’s good to accept they’re also allowed to be there. Give in to them, don’t downplay the negative stuff. Just don’t get stuck in this mood any longer than necessary. Gratitude is not about denying sadness, but about accepting that it is sometimes a given, and that besides the sad stuff, there’s also a lot of beauty and goodness in life. Keep aiming for the right balance, merely by focusing a bit more often on abundance, instead of on everything that’s lacking. Being grateful brings more joy into your life every day.


When you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions, pause and take a few slow, deep breaths. As you breathe, bring your attention to your senses—what can you see, hear, touch, or smell in that moment? For instance, you could feel the warmth of sunlight on your skin, hear the hum of a fan, or notice the texture of an object in your hand. Then, intentionally link those sensory experiences to things you’re grateful for.


This isn’t just intellectual gratitude—it’s embodied gratitude. When you tune into your senses, you bring yourself into the present moment, and this can pull you out of the grip of negative emotions. It’s like giving your brain new “data” to focus on. The act of feeling gratitude in your body (not just thinking about it) activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you calm down and shift your energy.


For example, when you’re feeling stressed, instead of just saying, “I’m grateful for my health,” you could notice how your body feels strong and capable in the moment. Or, if you’re lonely, you might look around and be thankful for the comforts of your home, the colors, textures, and small things that make your environment pleasant.

A quote that I loved…

If you want to make the wrong decision, ask everyone.

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A question to ask yourself…

What’s one thing in your life right now that you can appreciate, no matter how small?

Have an amazing week!


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